A common dilemma or misconception – Do I Invest in Digital or do I Invest in People?

A common dilemma or misconception – Do I Invest in Digital or do I Invest in People?

I’m often asked what is the right strategy for my business? Invest in digital or invest in people.

My response is simple, you’ve got to invest in both, but in a complimentary way.

In my experience, those businesses that are thriving in the rapidly evolving digital world blend the speed, ease of access, convenience & efficiency of digital services with the authenticity, experience, & expertise of talented empowered people. It’s about getting the mix & balance right.

If I think about how my children, who have grown up in an increasingly digitalised world, like to access products & services, they look for:

  • Ease of Access
  • The speed and convenience of digital services, particularly for straightforward administrative tasks,
  • Supported by ease of access to talented people when they are looking for specific advice & guidance.

A selection of staff in some of my clients gave an interesting alternative perspective on the “dilemma”. Whilst some saw the advent of digital as a potential threat to their futures, the majority, saw it as an opportunity to:

  • Strip out some of the inefficient, duplicated, & mundane processes they have historically had to  do day in day out.
  • Deliver a better, faster, & higher quality service to their clients
  • Focus their skills on the areas where they can really add the most value to their customers
  • Contribute positively to the culture that attracts high quality talent into the business.

As someone who is passionate about:

  • Talent development
  • Creating the culture to grow your people
  • Building an exceptional customer experience
  • Using Technology & Data as an intelligent Business enabler

it feels to me that those business that blend their digital & people strategies in a well thought through complimentary way are the most likely to:

  • Grow their businesses faster & more profitability than the rest
  • Create an environment that attracts in the best & most dynamic talent
  • Stimulate a continuous improvement culture that uses technology & people expertise in the right proportions & in the most effective areas
  • Deliver a dynamic & engaging customer experience

Author Derek Findlayson