Teamwork – “The sum of the parts”

Teamwork – “The sum of the parts”

Working with businesses of all shapes, sizes, & cultures, I always find it fascinating the “step change” you see in a business when you get people really working together as a team.
Those that get it really right always seem to have some common characteristics that I admire in great businesses & which I can really empathise with:

Common Characteristics

The leaders in the business:

  • Create & encourage an open culture that inspires creative thought, innovation, & an energetic environment.
  • Embrace & drive empowerment
  • Everyone’s opinion is valued & welcomed equally
  • Each department respects the expertise & experience within others
  • Divergent & contrasting viewpoints are hard fought but consensuses reached are supported & collectively driven forward

and “yes” these very same businesses often tend to be the same top performers in:

  • Customer Advocacy results
  • Staff Advocacy results
  • & business growth & profitability

That feels like a business model and culture I’d buy into …

Speak to us today if your interested in a fresh approach to engaging & developing your people proposition & enhancing your Customer Experience.

Author Derek Findlayson