What is this new mysterious world of No/Low Code Software?

What is this new mysterious world of No/Low Code Software?

Is this you … “I keep hearing this term no code/low code software but what does it all really mean?”

Derek Findlayson (Intelihub Consulting LTD)

If it is, “your not alone” so let me try & help demystify what it’s all about …

Gartner defines a low-code application platform (LCAP) as”

“an application platform that supports rapid application development, one-step deployment, execution and management using declarative, high-level programming abstractions, such as model-driven and metadata-based programming languages.

In other words, put more simply … & in language we can all understand no/low code software enables you to:

  • Anticipate & react to technology change more quickly.
  • Avoid
    1. Long development queues & build & deploy products & services much quicker.
    2. The “instant” Legacy Technology trap
  • Take control of:
    1. Digital Transformation Eco System
    2. Configuring & testing.
    3. Your Pricing & Rating Engine
  • Constantly be on the latest technology version
  • Gear your business up to respond to spiralling Consumer Expectations
  • Free up your IT resources to Innovate
  • Significantly reduce your IT Training costs & Deployment times

What does this mean for your business teams …

Most importantly, once in the hands of your business, no-code technology allows your team to adapt, configure, add to and deploy their own builds without needing to know a single line of code. They build the processes they dream of at their desktop.


Let me expand upon this, & “bring it to life” in a bit more detail …

Cutting cost, hassle and delay for Customers

React QuicklyNo-Code enables insurers, Brokers, MGA’s, & Scheme Specialists (or for that matter any business) to react quickly, and even anticipate, change. Change that is often thrust on them and from which they cannot avoid e.g. Travel cancellation claim surge as lockdown hit, business interruption claims spiralling from three a day to hundreds and thousands.
Rapid Build & DeploymentNo-Code solves business problems and allows insurers to move quickly and up clock speed. No-code allows very rapid build and deployment of POCs because there are no IT development queues or costs to hold them back.
Puts you more in controlCustomers can chose a time of their choosing to replace parts or eventually all of these systems and still deliver transformation, innovation and an iterative approach to constant improvement.
Easy Configuration & TestingPractitioners within the business can easily map and configure what they want to test and bring it to life within weeks rather than months. Amendments along the way can then be made and deployed in hours to improve performance. Joining the back of the IT priority queue becomes a thing of the past.
Your Operational teams control your Pricing & Rating EngineIn practical terms, it means that things like amending your pricing on your rating engine is under the control of your operational teams, removing the reliance on your IT teams. This for me is key …
Step away from Instant LegacyNo-Code answers the inherent weakness of current core systems- legacy code. The moment you introduce scripting and coding you introduce legacy. And that means more and more effort has to go into just maintaining core systems rather than improving them. Wasted effort, time, resources and money.
Easily Maintained & UpgradedNo-Code platforms are constantly maintained and upgraded with every customer always on the latest version meaning that NO LEGACY is being generated.
“Wrap around” API ArchitectureThe last thing some customers want to do is throw away core systems which still stand on the balance sheet. No-Code platforms come with the API architecture to integrate with core systems and, in effect, wrap around them to deliver digital transformation of policy admin, end-to-end claims management , payments and so on.
“Frees up your IT Resources for Innovation”IT central services teams Central IT gain as much as line of business leaders. As custodians of the IT estate they can ensure any No-Code software meets the compliance, security, scalability and performance needs of the enterprise and know No-Code frees up IT resources for other innovation projects they can rarely get around to.
Respond to Spiraling Consumer ExpectationsThe real impetus to change and No-Code is the consumer. They/we have tasted managing their lives, services, buying, lifestyles and businesses from their phone. Businesses have to digitally transform across all products and parts of the business.
Lower Training & Adoption Costs & Faster Deployment TimelinesTypically training & adoption is far quicker, & as a result less expensive. This is helped by all innovation, customisation, iteration being managed by these trained users in native language. No coding of course.
Integration FlowsYou can develop powerful and complex integration flows relatively quickly through these tools.
Mobile application developmentMost low-code/no-code platforms, provide responsive UI capabilities for mobile applications.
Others offer native support for the leading mobile operations systems (iOS and Android).

“Helping you make that transformation to building your own Digital Eco-System”

Like any technologies there are pro’s & con’s. Generally on emerging low code/no code solutions the pro’s far out weigh the con’s, but here are some of the more critical challenges for low-code/no-code to be aware of & to factor into your thinking:

Anticipating & preparing for Potential Challenges

NoCategoryPotential Challenges to think about
1It involves a culture change: Low-code/no-code requires a change in an organisations culture whether that organization be an enterprises or a startup.
Changing the culture to obliterate silos is not easy. It requires executive vision and endorsement. It also requires the allocation of budget and empowerment to a low-code/no-code digital transformation competency center.
2It takes time and effort to learn the platformsLow-code/no-code increases speed and productivity. But it is not easy. The tools and platforms are not trivial, and developing a level of expertise takes time.
3You may need multiple platforms: Some platforms are more complete than others. Unqork and Bubble, for example, are designed to be used across any use case and so offer many options for integration with enterprise systems. However, they can benefit greatly from other components that specialize in specific areas; for instance, Bubble together with, say, Parabola or the Zapier plugin for automated integration. The data manipulation and integration capabilities in Parabola or Zapier are easier to work with than the native ones in Bubble. There are other plugins or technology components that complement low code/no code platforms with additional technologies: Check out, for instance, the technology partnerships for Unqork or the comprehensive list of plugins for Bubble.
NoCategoryPotential Challenges to think about

“Preparing your business to Win in an increasingly Digitalised World”

I hope this article has helped you understand in a bit more detail the rapidly emerging world of no/low code software, & perhaps more importantly the positive impact it can have on your business & customer proposition.

We know from experience that the world of business transformation & technology change can be a daunting one for some businesses, however if you need help & support in navigating this path, we would be delighted to help guide & advise you.

Feel free to reach out to us, for an exploratory conversion by contacting us on the details below.

Demystifying the transition from a single software solution to a Digital Ecosystem

Demystifying the transition from a single software solution to a Digital Ecosystem

In a world where the pace of “Digital change” is exponentially increasing, it can be really hard for businesses to know how them transition from what they’ve only known to something new & different.

Why is that?

Well think of it this way:

  • Historically businesses have gone to one software provider for all of their needs. Why?
    • Because it was convenient
    • Because there was limited choice
    • Because they didnt know where to turn

Flip forward to today, & the world has radically changed forever.

 In what ways?

  •  Suppliers are many & varied
  • New entrants are disrupting markets
  • Data accessibility & transparency is opening up new opportunities
  • Timelines to transition to newer, better, more nimble technologies are dramatically reducing

So if there’s more choice, why is it that some businesses struggle to make this change?

Well there are a number of potential reasons which hold them back:

Firstly, change & business transformation can be hard for any business if you don’t know:

  • Where to start?
  • What great looks like?

Secondly, most businesses thinking is governed by what they experience within their Industry or Sector (Vertical Market)

Those that introduce meaningful & radical change:oExpand their thinking outside of their Industry or Sector

  • Explore what great looks like in other markets
  • Open their minds to what a world class digital Eco-System could look like

Often the hardest bit is getting started on what the art of the possible is.

Through intelligent use of API’s, integration of “best in class” Digital components, mean that you can now “switch in” & “switch out” the latest best in class technologies into your own customised Digital Eco-System.

Those that have already started to do this, are unlocking significant value.

If this feels like something you are ready to explore, we are help to help you:

  • Push your thinking
  • Explain what great could look like
  • Help you manage that transition

Author: Derek Findlayson

Digital Transformation is what I need … but … where do I start?

Digital Transformation is what I need … but … where do I start?

The most common thing I hear is “I’m tired with my existing technology solutions, they no longer deliver the tools I need to grow my business, but I don’t know where to start in changing things”? Well, if this is you, firstly you’re not alone. Lot’s of businesses find “change” never mind “digital transformational change” challenging at best, & petrifying at worst.

Getting the right Support & Advice

The best businesses, & the right solutions providers, will support you in helping you “join up the dots”. What I mean by that is that there’s no point in investing in technology if it doesn’t support:
  • Your Vision & ambitions for your Business.
  • Delivery of your Strategic Goals & Key Performance Indicator Metrics (KPII’s).
  • Your desired Culture, Customer & People Experience.
  • Helping you make your business more efficient.
so technology alone is not the answer. Whatever you choose as your “go forward solution” needs to align to, support, & drive each of the above, otherwise “why do it”!.

“Helping you through the treacle”

The day’s of going to one supplier for every single element of your technology stack & solutions, is rapidly coming to an end. Nowadays, there is significant choice out there, & what might be the right solution, for one part of your business, may not be the best solution for another part of your business. So, against this background, designing your “technology eco system” to best suit your business needs & ambitions has moved from a ‘nice to have” to a “business necessity”. The “winners in the market” are increasingly identifying a range of complimentary technology components which:
  1. Are relevant to each segment of their business.
  2. Are a blend of “best in class” modular components.
  3. Simplify & enhance their customer experience.
  4. Pull together Sales, Marketing, & Customer Service.
  5. Integrate their front & back office technologies.
  6. Elevate both their use of Data, & Data insight & intelligence to a new level

Winning through Digital Transformation

We are fortunate enough to work with, & across, the Distribution landscape, from Brokers, to Schemes Specialists, to MGA’s, to Insurers, to Software houses, to Data Enrichment providers, so we have a unique view of the market, & what the best performing businesses are doing both right, & differently. Those that are “ahead of the curve” in their Digital adoption, are consistently:
  1. Delivering Faster targeted growth.
  2. Achieving new “previously unheard of” Cross & Upsales ratio’s (average number of products/services per customer.
  3. Delivering stronger Customer & People advocacy scores.
  4. Building a culture of continuous improvement.
  5. Enhancing their bottom line profit at a different trajectory.
Whilst for some, change can be daunting, done in the right way, it can transform your business to the next levels. If this is you, & you require support or guidance in how you might go about this in your business, were here to help. Author Derek Findlayson