Getting the most out of People

Getting the most out of People

Working with a client recently I was asked what did I think is the key to motivating people. The business had a very clear commission structure, however the MD was struggling with engendering team spirit across the front-end teams.
I have been brought up in business to understand the simple fact is that all people are motivated to a degree, but it is up to the Leader to recognise whether their team is motivated by achieving targets they have been set, or by something else, something less tangible. Simple, trite even, but nonetheless true. Throwing money at people only works so far, assuming of course that there is fair pay for a fair’s day work to begin with and that targets are SMART!

The highest performing Global companies undergoing Business and Transformational Change are those whose leaders intrinsically recognise the motivational needs of their team, and reward by:

  • Appreciation – Thanking their staff sincerely and on a regular basis when appreciation is deserved
  • Recognition – Seeing and acknowledging what team members have achieved and contributed
  • Encouragement – Instilling confidence to their teams and individuals to be bold, to take calculated risks and not to be afraid of facing challenges that arise
  • Empowerment – Communicating openly with their teams and engaging them in decision making, whilst giving them the tools to achieve this
  • Delegation – Delegation is the key to the success of a team, and must be done in a supported, unambiguous and structured way – delegation is not abdication of responsibility. Effective delegation will free up the Leader’s time to focus on his/her own goals, and will develop more self-confidence in the delegates to achieve even more of their and their team’s goals

Speak to us today if you’re interested in a fresh approach to Leadership and Motivation for your people proposition and Business Transformation.

Author Kate Mutter-Bowen

Teamwork – “The sum of the parts”

Teamwork – “The sum of the parts”

Working with businesses of all shapes, sizes, & cultures, I always find it fascinating the “step change” you see in a business when you get people really working together as a team.
Those that get it really right always seem to have some common characteristics that I admire in great businesses & which I can really empathise with:

Common Characteristics

The leaders in the business:

  • Create & encourage an open culture that inspires creative thought, innovation, & an energetic environment.
  • Embrace & drive empowerment
  • Everyone’s opinion is valued & welcomed equally
  • Each department respects the expertise & experience within others
  • Divergent & contrasting viewpoints are hard fought but consensuses reached are supported & collectively driven forward

and “yes” these very same businesses often tend to be the same top performers in:

  • Customer Advocacy results
  • Staff Advocacy results
  • & business growth & profitability

That feels like a business model and culture I’d buy into …

Speak to us today if your interested in a fresh approach to engaging & developing your people proposition & enhancing your Customer Experience.

Author Derek Findlayson

Acquisitions – “Finding that perfect match”

Acquisitions – “Finding that perfect match”

Making the right choices is key, as it can either make or break your business. Get it right, & the futures very rosy, get it wrong and it can be very painful …

The word on everyone’s lips at the moment in the broker market seems to be “Acquisitions” but why is it some get these “so right” & others get it “so wrong”?

Well first of all, getting it right is not necessarily easy, particularly in a vibrant market. For some it’s new territory, for others it’s the latest of many. If it’s your “first”, it can feel like there’s a myriad of things to think about. If it’s your “latest”, you may be wondering why was this one a success and that one a disaster.

So let’s strip it back & simplify it. From working with a range of acquisitive businesses across, brokers, insurers, software houses, & data providers, those that do it well & in a sustainable way that works importantly for both the businesses involved & the people in them, tend to have a few things in common:

  • They have a tried & tested acquisition strategy & due diligence process
  • They invest the time to make sure the fit’s spot on … with a particular focus on:
  • Getting the Cultural fit & alignment right
  • Shared Values & beliefs e.g. focus & passion for customer service
  • They have a clear strategy in place and a clear plan to bring it alive
  • They understand their business inside out with real clarity on:
  1. The profile of their customer base
  2. Their customer proposition
  3. What they do well
  4. Where they could improve
  5. and where the right acquisition could add additional value & skill-set

They have access to the right resources to successfully manage change and integrate the businesses at the right moment in time

Making the right choices is key, as it can either make or break your business. Get it right, and the future very rosy, get it wrong and it can be very painful …

Speak to us today if your interested in a fresh approach to helping you identify the right acquisitions and having done so, get the most out of them.

Author Derek Findlayson